Unlocking Potential: How OSL’s empowerHER Program is Breaking Barriers and Empowering Women to Thrive

OSL is changing the game for women in the mobile and tech industry by fostering an inclusive space dedicated to helping them thrive in the workplace, and the empowerHER program shines at the forefront of this mission!

What is empowerHER?

Working within our Women’s Empowerment initiative (WE@OSL), empowerHER is a dynamic mentoring program where leaders at OSL, both women and allies, offer invaluable guidance to field and corporate mentees over five transformative months. By the end of the program, we aim to have over 200 mentoring hours completed!

“My passion is to help others become successful, and to be more confident in their role. As a woman I like to see more women in this field successful and happy.”
Kapika, District Manager, Mentor

How does empowerHER work?

The WE@OSL team truly believes in empowering our women to chart their course of professional or personal development and WE@OSL brings the people and resources to make that happen! Our mentees get to select which mentor they want to learn from and take charge of their development through the various benefits empowerHER has to offer.

Direct Access to Leadership

Mentors meet regularly with mentees, offering personalized career guidance and growth strategies. In an industry predominantly led by men, this program creates a direct pathway to leadership for our emerging female talent, ensuring they feel confident and empowered in their career progression.

Tailored Mentorship Experience

The program includes one-on-one sessions with mentors and curated resources to support the learning journey, all tailored to the unique needs and experiences of each mentee. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a bespoke journey towards professional advancement.

“This inquisitiveness and desire for development is something that I attempt to always foster within my team. I want them to be empowered not only to take on new projects or ideas but have the foundation and safe space in which to do so.”
Amanda, Talent Acquisition Director, Mentor

Diverse and Experienced Mentors

Our mentors bring a wealth of experience from various corporate backgrounds within OSL. Many having been mentees themselves at different points in their careers and offer unique perspectives on leadership and career development.

“No matter what position you hold, you are nothing without a strong team, and growth happens by supporting individuals through all stages of learning.”
Michelle, District Manager, Mentor

Building a Culture of Inclusion

At OSL, we champion a culture of “add” versus “fit” to cultivate inclusive spaces for career development and foster a sense of belonging. The empowerHER program is a critical element of our WE@OSL mission and through direct mentorship, we are paving the way to make this goal a reality.

“My leadership philosophy is rooted in empathy, empowerment, and continuous growth, and I adapt my leadership style to meet the needs of the situation.”
Wafa, Director of Client Services, Mentor

Getting Involved

As we launch empowerHER 2024, we look forward to sharing the journey of our mentors and mentees as they forge new paths together. Stay tuned to find out how you can be a part of this transformative initiative in the future, and until then, visit the WE@OSL page for more information!

“Sometimes the road forward is not a straight one—it includes many twists and turns, and it is in those turns that we learn life’s lessons. Embrace the journey.”
Sheri, Regional Sales Manager, Samsung, Mentor

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